D-Flipflop with two clocks ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ``input wire c1`` and ``input wire c2`` should be detected as clocks because they drive the flip flop. .. symbolator:: dff_two_clocks.sim.v .. verilog-diagram:: dff_two_clocks.sim.v :type: netlistsvg :module: BLOCK | .. no-license:: dff_two_clocks.sim.v :language: verilog :caption: tests/clocks/dff_two_clocks/dff_two_clocks.sim.v The ``is_clock`` attribute of the ``c1`` and ``c2`` ports are set to 1, and the ports ``a``, ``b``, ``c``, ``o1`` and ``o2`` have their ``clock`` attribute set to the respective clocks they are driven by. .. literalinclude:: dff_two_clocks.model.xml :language: xml :caption: dff_two_clocks.model.xml